Hello Changemaker!
Last week was our October episode of Monthly Marketing Munchies. It was another awesome one, full of advice from our Chief Do-Gooder, Luke and packed into 18 minutes!
This time, we dive into the topic of “Impact Brand Core Story”. And it’s a huge one. Because if you want people to engage with your message, you need to connect the dots for your best buyers. Also known as, your core audience.
For those who weren’t able to attend, we’ve embedded a recording of the webinar for you in this post!
So what was this episode all about?
We already know the title is “Impact Brand Core Story”, but what does that entail?
It’s the anchor for all aspects of your brand’s story.
And what your raving fans align with and share with everyone else.
And so much more!
It’s something incredibly important.
Because people connect with story. And they want to align with brands that speak their language.
So when you get your impact brand core story in place, you’ll start to attract and resonate with people on the same wavelength… your raving fans.
Pretty awesome stuff right?
This episode is dedicated to giving you the advice necessary to build your impact core story and implement it. So you can be on your way to gathering an audience that loves your brand.
The session covers:
- What an Impact Brand Core Story is
- Why it’s imperative for your brand to have one
- A comprehensive model to help you build that core story
- A huge in-depth explanation of the Golden Story Flow and how it can help your brand succeed
- What a “Persona Centered Impact Brand Core Story” is.
- And so much more (trust me this webinar is jam-packed with gems!)
And if you enjoyed the episode, sign up here for a sneak peek of November’s Monthly Marketing Munchies!
We hope to see you again next month and we look forward to having you with us.