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Helping the Environment – Coffee Lovers Edition!

We are now in our first week of Autumn and waving goodbye to those hot sunny days!

As the weather cools and we start layering up It will feel even more awesome to have a hot cup of delicious coffee in your hands!

During Autumn, espressos, mochas and lattes all take on a new level of comfort as people try to escape the chill that comes with the season.

But the coffee industry is notorious for contributing to some huge environmental impacts.

For example, the coffee industry is one of the biggest trades in the world, coming second to oil. As a result, coffee production and growth is increased to keep up with the demand. Unfortunately, this can mean that producers can focus on quantity over quality. This also means that they may forgo eco-friendly practices in the process. Plus, non-organic coffee is one of the most chemically treated foods in the world. It is soaked in pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and synthetic fertilizers.

Not only do these processes affect things such as the health of soil and water supply, we are also at risk when we consume coffee treated with these chemicals. Additionally, industrial farming for coffee plantations can negatively affect wildlife habitats.

But what can you do if you’re a coffee fanatic?

Fortunately, there are good businesses who strive to shake up the status quo in the coffee market. So you can still enjoy your coffee without damaging the environment!

Let’s dive in and take a look at two amazing, sustainable and delicious coffee brands!


Pablo & Rusty’s

Pablo & Rusty’s are a coffee company founded by CEO, Saxon Wright in 2003. Initially, it was a small cafe with an off-site roastery. And it has since evolved into being many cafes as well as a wholesale coffee supplier and subscription service for homes and offices.

Sustainability is a major focus of Pablo & Rusty’s. They’re 100% solar powered with every light globe being an LED. Their plastic and cardboard waste is all bailed and sold. Additionally, all their takeaway cups are biodegradable and compostable. They’re also a Certified B Corp and have won the NSW Green Globe Award and multiple Better Business Partnership awards. Having worked with them in the past, we can 100% vouch that their story is as conscious and as awesome as it sounds!

We also asked Saxon Wright, CEO of Pablo & Rusty’s, what sustainability means to him. And what drives their decisions in making their products eco-friendly. Here’s what he had to say:

“For us business is a chance to do something good in the world. It’s not easy, but it’d be great to know that as people have their daily coffee they’re making a net positive contribution to our planet.

This is fundamental to us as a business and we are on a constant journey to improve. But to make that happen, we must zoom in on the details in every aspect of the supply chain.

It’s not leaving any stone unturned and being realistic about the work we still have to do. We are constantly trying to improve and often focus on specific areas. At the moment we are focused on waste.

This includes major global initiatives like removing takeaway cups with our HuskeeCup swap partnership.

And also dealing with waste water from coffee farms through a bio-char filtration project.

Each area becomes a project in its own right, and we dive in and try and come up with solutions. It’s satisfying when the project gets momentum and we see significant results.

Ultimately, our coffee has to taste great. But, it’s always a sweeter cup when you know people have been treated fairly and it hasn’t come at a cost to our planet.”

Asides from having delicious coffee, Pablo & Rusty’s continue to impress. Their goal is to improve even more, aiming to be 100% carbon neutral!


Montville Coffee


Montville Coffee are a wholesale coffee supplier and a Social Enterprise. They’re the first Fairtrade and Organic Coffee Roaster in Queensland. And take their awareness of environmental and social issues to build their brand. One that celebrates ethically and sustainably sourced and produced goods.

This has allowed them to educate customers and the coffee industry. They do so by connecting the quality of their coffee with the quality of life for their coffee farmers.

We asked the Director of Montville Coffee, Kevin Fraikin, the same question. What does sustainability mean to Montville Coffee and how has it influenced your brand’s journey?

“Sustainability for us focuses on a growth mindset. This means evaluating whether what we’re currently doing can be better or different. It is about creating more social good and reducing harmful impacts.

Back in 2000, that meant becoming the first certified Fairtrade Organic roaster in Queensland. Because sustainability starts with the farming communities that cultivate the beans at origin.

Since then, we have been able to explore many different areas of our business. Including customer journey and connection to our local community.

This journey has led us to become a Certified B Corp. And as a company we utilise this assessment and re-certification process to strengthen our systems to improve our positive social impact.

Sustainability is also about connecting with and contributing to communities, collaborating rather than competing. This led us to facilitate the establishment of the Sunshine Coast Roasters Guild. A platform where coffee roasters explore initiatives to improve the sustainability of the coffee industry in our region.

Naturally, over the last 12 months we have also expanded our educational workshops for high schools, universities and corporates. We aim to provide individuals with an opportunity to explore the notion of “Business as a force for good”. And sustainability with real life examples connected to our business.

The concept of sustainability is broad and it requires a humble but committed approach as there is always more to learn.”


There we have it! Two insanely good brands that have insanely good products. Any coffee lover would be happy with a cup from these two. And hey! You’ll be helping them make the coffee industry more sustainable – while keeping yourself warm, caffeinated, and your taste buds happy.

And if you don’t have these brands near you but you still want to make sure your coffee choice is good for the planet, don’t worry! Here are a few tips to help you seek out those conscious brands:

  1. See if they are a certified B Corp. This is an easy way to see if they’re a conscious business as a B Corp certification means that the brand is relentlessly committed to doing good and helping the world.
  2. Check if they are Fair Trade certified. If they are, it means they’re devoted to ethical business practices.
  3. See if they’re part of the Rainforest Alliance. Only the brands who meet rigorous environmental, social and economic sustainability standards get to join!
  4. Read the brand’s story page and find out where the beans are grown. Because even with certifications, it’s still good to research the brand to see if their values align with yours.
  5. Check the brand’s social media and look at their posts. Do they seem authentic?

We hope you enjoy this coffee season consciously! What’s your favorite coffee brand and coffee?

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William, Thyme & Prophet / Report Factory
Luke and the crew at the Sponge helped set up our Corporate image as it stands today. They were extremely helpful and patient. They took the time to understand our business and brainstormed with us some of the essential elements and came up with various images until we were happy with the final one. Can't recommend Luke and his team enough. Thanks again Luke.
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Complete Health Chiropractic
I usually don’t believe in one stop shops, because of the inability to be great across many areas, but The Sponge truly are the one stop shop for brand creation, innovation and lead generation.
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Tribe Social Fitness
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Wesfarmers Industrial and Safety
One of Luke’s talents is his ability to move people and organizations from the creative to the innovative, commercializing ideas and inventions.
Rodney Marks
Hoax Speaker
I recommend The Sponge’s services to new and established organizations who are looking to differentiate themselves from the “ordinary” and stand out from the crowd.
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InfoGenesis Pty Limited
The Sponge’s perceptive sensibility guarantees a perfect match between your business and its presentation to the world. They makes your values, ethics, goals, and the 'feel' of your business shine through every aspect of your brand.
Geoff Walker
Sydney Massage Time Pty Ltd
Branding is a familiar concept to comms & marketing professionals like myself. But it’s often a mystery to other staff, and for brand to be authentic, unique and indispensable they all need to be on board. This training helped me clarify branding to everyone in our organisation. Now they’re all part of the brand redevelopment crew, identifying and sharing stories that resonate with our values and purpose. Thanks, Luke, for launching our journey to uncover the brand that ‘comes from within’.
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Communications and Marketing Coordinator
We were in the middle of re-branding and wanted to know how better to market our product including how better to tell our story. This webinar provided practical marketing techniques, and rationale to explain the benefit of this strategy. The 'light bulb' moment for me was making the connection between the power of storytelling and marketing our brand.
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CEO CommunityGro
The Sponge is enabling small business to focus on essential elements of marketing/strategy. I used to go in circles and best guess engagement with customers; I didn’t understand my target market. The Sponge gave me a real wake-up call: To realise how much time and money I was throwing away for no return. The learning was interesting and interactive. Now, I feel in control and focused.
Sue Lea
Timely Business Solutions

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