How to Check Your Business Relevance

Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there ~Will Rogers

In the 13 years that The Sponge has been in business, I have spent a LOT of time sitting on the track. For me that meant long stints of being very busy working in the business, putting my head up infrequently only to notice there had been huge leaps ahead in the calendar!

How fast does time fly? 1 year goes past in a blink, 5 years, even 10 years feels like a blur. Does it not?

In the last 5 years how many things have changed? Mobile phones are now the first screen for most people, and more frequently the only screen. What impact has Facebook, Amazon, Apple & Google have had on consumption of data and consumption of everything else for that matter?

The Sponge - Danger Zone

So much disruption happened and is still happening to what had seemed stable industries. Airbnb for the hotel industry, Uber with Taxis, and of course Apple to music. What about Netflix with Blockbuster, and now the disruption of pay TV and free to air television as we know it?

I must say that with Netflix being my go to for TV and Movie content now, I am happy not to be arguing with the garbage being spouted through television commercials that polluted the shows on rare occasions I did chose to tune in for.

The world has become an on demand market. Leaders must adapt their offerings to meet the demand of the market where it is (or create the demand). If not, they fail to connect with buyers and get run over by those that do. It is all about being relevant.

10 quick questions for your business about the last 5 years:

  1. Has your product or service changed?
  2. Have your competitors changed?
  3. Has your industry changed?
  4. Have your buyers changed?
  5. Has the way they find you changed?
  6. Has the way you sell changed?
  7. Has the way you deliver your product/service changed?
  8. Has your customer service changed?
  9. Has your marketing changed?
  10. Has your website changed?

While you have likely addressed many of these out of necessity. In that 5 years have you stopped to do a comprehensive brand analysis to check that your brand story is relevant to your best buyers? I am referring to a complete brand asset review, all your collateral marketing material, from design elements to messaging. If you haven’t measured, how do you know that your brand and your brand story is relevant?

Many business owners I have spoken to have been too busy working in the business (like I was) and have not done this critical realignment either. It’s OK, there is always now. I will show you how.

Luke Faccini Realigning Brand Stories

On Thursday I hosted my first free online workshop. It was a highly interactive and value packed webinar. My attendees and I had a blast. I shared a lot and there were great questions (thank you!). The feedback I received was so overwhelmingly positive about what they learned that I have already scheduled my next workshop for Thursday the 23rd July at 8am (Sydney time) and already spaces are being filled.

I would love you to join me, wherever you are in the world, whatever your business. I share my heart out in this hour long workshop, with the goal to give you what I know to help your business get and stay relevant. And of course make it fun.

Here is the link:

I look forward to seeing you on the webinar.

Have an awesome day and week!



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