#BCorpMonth celebrations are still in full swing here with the Sponge Team! This week, we decided to check in with some of the team and see how they personally embody the qualities of a B Corp through their actions.
B Corp states that “the B Corp community works toward reduced inequality, lower levels of poverty, a healthier environment, stronger communities, and the creation of more high quality jobs with dignity and purpose.”
And in their video celebrating B Corp Month, you can see that a lot of the people talk about bringing their “whole self” to work, and doing something that aligns with their purpose. So while there is the overarching concept of B Corps embodying the qualities above, there is also a deeper layer where each individual has their own unique representation through who they are as a person!
Let’s see how some of The Sponge team showcase these qualities in their own special way!
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Jo6It9lSNI[/embedyt]
Luke – Founder
“I always look for the most sustainable and planet friendly option for suppliers and products, in business and personal purchases. As difficult as it is sometimes!
I am passionate about accelerating the change so I am driving the growth of the Good business community in my spare time via Byrontobundy.com
I have also written a book to help more people become aware of it.”
(He has, it’s called Impact Brand Storytelling: A How To Guide For Founders Hell-Bent On Changing The World. Check it out here!)
Jess – Impact Growth Alchemist
“I’d say continuous improvement is a big thing for me. It’s not about being perfect, it’s about embarking on the journey. So every so often, I make a positive change in my life. The last one I did was to switch to reusable straws.
And then I talk about it… I figure that if I tell 50 people, one of them might make the switch too. Once my change has become a habit, I find something new to improve in my life!
I also use technology as a force for good! So many apps trying to make sustainable living easier! Such as “GoodOnYou” for my clothes, and most recently “Tap” for refilling my reusable water bottle.”
Yinny – Amplifier of Awesome
“I agree with Jess on continuous improvement, you’re never going to get it right the first time but if you’re willing to learn from your mistakes you’ll go a much longer way.
One of the biggest changes I’ve made is eliminating plastic bags and cling wrap. Growing up, my family made a lot of food. So, using zip loc bags, plastic bags and cling wrap to store food was pretty commonplace for me.
It wasn’t until the last few years that I realised the negative impact this had on the planet so I stopped! Now I use glass storage containers, and silicon wraps rather than disposable plastics, after all The Sponge is about creating positive impact!”
Be the change you want to see in the world
Woohoo! Congrats to the Sponge team for tailoring their everyday actions to make the world better! Seems like we’re all big on the environment as well (which is such a big plus given the state of today’s environmental discourse).
What about you? If you’re a social business owner driven by purpose, how do your everyday actions outside of your company represent that?