The 7 Keys to Creating a Powerful Brand Name

How to Create a Powerful Brand Name – 7 Steps

A great brand name is crucial. Getting it right can open the floodgates of success.

Whether you’re creating a new brand name for a fresh new business and you have a clean slate to start with, or if it’s time to rebrand your existing business with a more powerful brand name, you’ll find what you need here.

Every good business ought to have a powerful brand name that resonates with their market!

Before we dive into the 7 keys, it is fundamental that you have done the foundation work.  This is defining exactly who you customers are, what you sell them (and what you don’t), why they buy from you, and what your key difference is to your competitors.

It starts with who you are as a brand. The process for this involves defining your purpose, impact model and values. You can find out more about these in importance of values in business and how we can help you with them here.

The outcome of these fundamentals is your brand story. We strongly recommend that you have the essence of your story defined before you work on your name. It will help you create something relevant and uniquely yours, because having an awesome product or service is no longer enough today


The 7 keys to creating a powerful brand name:

#1 – Stickiness

For your brand to be memorable you will want to create an instant, concrete image in the mind of the prospect by the sound of your name. For instance what comes to mind when you hear the brand name: Bluefox? For a more well known example, how about Apple?


#2 Keep it Short

The best names are only 1 or 2 syllables long. If you cannot do this, and there are instances where it simply isn’t possible, look to the next key- Controlling the nickname.

The benefits of keeping it short are that it is easier to remember, less room for error when searching and easier to create a simpler and more powerful brand identity (Your logo or brand mark).


#3 Control the nickname

People are inherently lazy and they tend to shorten long names. Think Coke vs Coca cola. 1 syllable vs 4. If you consider the nick name at the outset then you can create a powerful brand name from the nickname.


#4 Avoid acronyms

Even though your brand may have years of meaning prior to the acronym, they are meaningless to your new customers as they will not likely be exposed to them.


#5 Spelling

Spell it correctly, and as it sounds, without any clever letter swaps. You will not want to have your staff continually spelling it out for emails and web address, nor will you want to miss any business for the same confusion.


#6 Avoid Hidden meanings

Check that the brand name doesn’t mean, or is associated with, anything embarrassing or insulting elsewhere on the planet. This is all the more important for international businesses.


#7 Make Sure it is Freehold

Finally, it has to be a freehold name for you to legally own it – Thorough checking of all the relevant databases is recommended. These include trademarks, business registration, domains etc.


# Bonus

Further to the last two points. It is always best to develop a list of names and do your due diligence on each before committing to one. Try not to get too attached to any particular name until you know it is freehold and you can secure all the assets you need, in particular the all important domain names, or you will likely be disappointed.


Once you have the brand name right, the next step is your brand design. Here are tips for a powerful brand design.

Naturally if you want a guide to help you on the naming journey, we love working with business leaders to create awesome brand names.

But, If You Are Renaming Your Business…

Clients often get in touch with us when they feel it is time to rename or rebrand. Often there is more going on beneath the surface than the need for a new name, or refresh of your brand. Take a look at what was happenening with Evan’s business here and how we helped him fall back in love with Mondays again.

As one of the world’s leading brand naming agencies, we love helping our clients avoid costly mistakes and create world class names and brands. Get in touch with us now.



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